
Showing posts from August, 2019

Week of 9/2

Dear Parents, It was wonderful to see you all at Back to School Night. I know that was a lot of information to take in in one night so don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions or need clarification. You have my contact info now. Math:  We will continue working in our Engage New York Program in Module One working on finding groups of 8 and 9  in a picture and counting on from 5. We will be working with number bonds and subitizing as well. You can continue to support this learning at home by reviewing the math worksheets your child brings home and encouraging your child to work on math on the Starfall program. Flashcards are another fun way to help your child add and subtract at home too! Reading : We will enjoy two new stories from our Houghton Mifflin Reading Series that will focus on helping your child evaluate a story and think about cause and effect in a story. Reading Workshop has started and we will continue working in Unit One learning about the many strat...

Week of 8/26

Dear Fabulous First Grade Parents! We are off to a great start!  Our first full week of school went smoothly learning the routines and guidelines for our class.  Please remember to drop off your child on the upper playground if you arrive at school before 7:55.  Students are found roaming the halls and/or in the classroom without adult supervision.  Now that they are in first grade, the class is working on being independent and responsible students.  It would be very helpful (if you're not doing so already) to say "good-byes" at the bottom of the stairs so that your child can play independently and line up on their own when the bell rings at 7:55.  This will help make a smooth and calm transition into the classroom.  If your child is having a challenging time going to the upper playground on their own, you can encourage your child to join the line as we walk down to the classroom.   Math:  The students have been working on being "det...

Weekly Update 8/16

Dear First Grade Parents, We had a wonderful three days of school getting to know one another and l earning the routines of the classroom!  We read the nursery, “Humpty Dumpty” and discussed the importance of being “safe” at our school. The students had a blast discussing Humpty Dumpty and his unsafe behaviors! The class also discussed ways on  how to show empathy, compassion, and kindness.  We read the story, “How Full Is Your Bucket?” and the students made a list of ideas on how to fill a person’s bucket ( i.e. giving compliments,being kind, sharing, helping) and also how to drain a person’s bucket ( i.e. being unkind, saying negative comments, being greedy).  The students used the list to write about how they can fill someone’s bucket. I was impressed with their work! You’ll find their ideas on the bulletin board.   In Math, the students practiced printing numbers correctly.  We reviewed the concept of grouping by 5’s and 10’s...