
Showing posts from October, 2019

Sign up for BLOOMZ

Hi Parents, I'm moving my blog to Bloomz.  A notice was sent out this week with a code to join our class. Please check for it in your child's papers. Email me if you need help. Thank you, Mrs. Christensen

Week of 10/14

Dear Parents, The Harvest Festival is tonight from 5-9 pm!  I hope to see you there! Math:  We are in the second half of Module 1 of our Engage New York Math Program and now working with addition AND subtraction equations/word problems. We will learn about double numbers and double numbers +1.  The students will review the "Doubles song" to help them learn double facts.  Please continue to work on math facts to 10.  This will help your child build a strong foundation in addition and subtraction. Grammar:  The students will focus on adding interesting adjectives to their sentences and being able to find the noun, verb and adjective in a sentence. Comprehension:  The focus will be on story structure this week. Word Wall Words:   him         every       once Phonics : We will continue learning phonograms, two or more letters that when written together, make one or more different sounds. This ...


Dear First Grade Parents, We have a fun filled month planned!  The students are looking forward to the school-wide Harvest Festival on Friday, October 11th.  We will read books about Halloween, pumpkins, bats.  We will read the book, "Stellaluna", to tie into our Scholastic News magazine. Grammar:  The students will focus on making sure all the sentences they write have a noun and a verb to make it complete. Comprehension:  We will focus on what the problem is in a story and notice how they are solved. Word Wall Words:    about      also    after Phonics : We will start learning phonograms, two or more letters that when written together, make one or more different sounds. This week we will learn the sounds that SH and TH make; ship, mash, this, three. Reading Workshop : In Reading Workshop we have learned how readers improve their reading by using good habit.  Next week, students will learn about how to break ba...